What were Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Cyborg up to during the events of Aquaman, and why didn’t Arthur give them a call? On the other hand, maybe they’ll have made up and be ruling happily together… yeah, there’s no way that’s going to happen. We delve into the Aquaman ending - with spoilers - and what it means for the future of the aquatic superheroI don’t know if you noticed, but Arthur goes through Arthur isn’t the only Atlantean with powers either, and in fact, his ability to breath underwater and swim incredibly fast isn’t seen as a superpower by his fellow Atlanteans who have the same abilities. They both get up. Aquaman doesn't provide any formal introduction to the Brine, but they play a central role in the film's climactic battle, as King Orm and his Xebellian and Fishermen allies attack in an effort to force the kingdom to join in a war against the surface. Perhaps Atlanna had a moment of weakness and tried to return to Arthur, only to accidentally lead Orvax’s men to her secret family. Maybe that’s what Aquaman 2 will be about? I trained for like five hours a day for five months, got to Australia and continued through pre-production until the schedule got so demanding that I literally could not do both that and my actual filming job. In the movie, her efforts don’t move Aquaman, who leaves the scene with his dad soon after. “While I’m doing that, I’m trying to engage and encourage this reluctant, insecure, begrudging, hostile and unwilling Arthur at the bar, which is not a place you want to interrupt him or Jason. King Orm talks about his mother’s ‘betrayal’ so it’s clearly common knowledge by the time Aquaman takes place, but considering the lengths Atlanna went to protect the information, how did King Orvax find out? ), but it also means that you can’t just leave the story thread hanging in a sequel. So, what’s the deal? NY 10036. It could be any of the above, and we’ll probably never know. Jason Momoa answered this question for himself when I sat down for a Whatever the reason, Arthur will clearly have a lot on his plate when he finally gets down to ruling Atlantis. It’s about damn time.I want to do a DC female action lineup, an all-female DC superhero film. She obviously tells Vulko at some point because he goes to the surface to train Arthur after her death; was he the one who let the damaging information slip? Why did Arthur decide to give up his human life in favour of ruling the underwater kingdom of Atlantis?

All rights reserved. Mera is surprised when he can communicate with a whale while they’re escaping Atlantis, as is Karathen when she realises Arthur can understand her, implying that not all Atlanteans have this ability. All rights reserved.Important conversations are happening now. "And I also feel like there’s so many movies about those other characters already, this is Aquaman's time in the spotlight, let it be his and Mera’s movie." While his conflict with Orm is most certainly an Atlantean affair, when you’re up against these kinds of odds, surely there’s no harm is asking your friends for a little help? Forget what he did to the surface world - Orm attacked, manipulated, and bullied the other kingdoms of Atlantis into doing his bidding and making him Ocean Master, even murdering the King of the Fisherman and going to war with the Brine. You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. So, what changed? That’s a lot of effort, and it’s not immediately clear why Vulko wants Arthur to rule. Aquaman introduces us to the underwater world of Atlantis and the various kingdoms whose colorful inhabitants dwell in the briny deep. So whereas you might do an action, say, 50 times for a scene, in this you do it 500 times.I went through many ... many dozens of roses were harmed in the making of “Aquaman.” No animals were harmed in this. If anything, he gives him advice to help with his plan. One way or another, Orm is going to have to be revisited if we get another Aquaman movie.It’s the elephant in the room, but where were the rest of the Justice League during Aquaman’s troubles? Atlantis is a thalassophile’s Day-Glo dream, and from the first trailer we’ve been getting glimpses of not only Aquaman’s underwater home but also the amazing and bizarre creatures that live there. While he clearly has issues, he also has a point when he tells Arthur that he’s the one who knows Atlantis and its people best.