Can you please refresh your sheet and also make sure you’re logged into the same email account from which you installed API Connector?

This new parameter value causes Google Sheets to recalculate the functions and the latest crypto prices are pulled into your spreadsheet from the CoinMarketCap API!// note that the unused_param is to to force the function to rerun// and recalcuate the functions results when the function is called with // create a string that is the first part of our API calls url// append crypto_id to our url so we can tell the API that we want prices // parse the JSON string and build it into JavaScript objects// return the first (should be only) price from data// extract the value in the dictionary with a key of 'price_usd' I've been using the CoinMarketCap API for a while now to update the coin prices in a google sheets spreadsheet, so I can keep track of my portfolio. Being a Software Engineer, I have tried to automate wherever possible my cryptocurrency analysis and so I have decided to create a series of blog posts to share some of those tools and also just general knowledge I have learned about the crypto space. This is why our function has an unused_param that we pass into it. Open up Google Sheets and click Add-ons > API Connector > Create New API Request. Great work! Whenever this function is executed, range A1 of the active sheet gets set to a random value with the Anytime you click on the refresh button, it changes the parameter being passed into our custom worksheet function. The CoinMarketCap API is a cryptocurrency trading API that provides access to market cap rankings, charts, and more. Enough Ranting though and back to why Google Sheets is great!There are so many cool use cases for Google Sheets because it has a robust front-end and back-end API. Over the past year I have been getting really big into Cryptocurrencies. here will populate the values of by mulplicating  for each (wallet balance*worth) in USD on default and converted currency e.g here converted EUR 

The latest version of the Sheets API lets developers programmatically: Read and write data. Today I’m going to show you something I actually use daily. This new parameter value causes Google Sheets to recalculate the functions and the latest crypto prices are pulled into your spreadsheet from the CoinMarketCap API! Here, the key is prominently displayed, masked by asterisks.When you hover over the COPY KEY button, the actual contents are revealed.

As such, the recommended method is to use the X-CMC_PRO_API_KEY header.As such, the request can simply be made to the endpoint URL, without any parameters. When we click on this image (Sheets does not support buttons), it will run a script that we "attach" to the button.You can search Google images for a free image that you can use. I think that if the token like access token can be used, because the rate limitation is for only you, you can always access and retrieve the data. method: ‘GET’, We can utilize this behavior to make our functions refresh when we want by changing the value of So, the first step to getting this setup it for you to make sure cell A1 (or some cell that you designate) is storing our random number.Then you will need to add an image that we can use to make our page refresh. You gave information is very useful for enhancing my knowledge. Google Sheets makes your data pop with colorful charts and graphs. The three headers previously described are required, so you should add them in the dedicated table, below the API URL Path (JSON / CSV) field, as you can see in this screenshot:Click the Run button at the bottom of the Apipheny add-on and wait for the cryptocurrency data to be fetched and added to your spreadsheet: Meelad is a data analyst living in the San Francisco Bay Area and Co-founder of the Apipheny API integrator for Google Sheets. I actively try to get people away from Excel. Dashboard is the most important part in that template it helps you to calculate the values of your wallet balance with any other cryptocurrency all you need to do is selecting the cryptocurrency from row 1 and the balance on your wallets on the range A7:15 here it's converted to EUR and USD is default just change the currency on the cell A3 to convert it for other hard currency Do not include the carrots “<>”. is one from the best and Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations website, it gives how much the global currencies and cryptocurrencies (Bitcoins, ethereum,..) worth in hard , this free template help you to control and track changing that values with clear dashboard included with wallets and convert to any other hard currency Symbols: AUD,BRL,CAD,CHF,CLP,CNY,CZK,DKK,EUR,GBP,HKD,HUF,IDR,ILS,INR,JPY,KRW,MXN,MYR,NOK,NZD,PHP,PKR,PLN,RUB,SEK,SGD,THB,TRY,TWD,ZARSymbols: AUD,BRL,CAD,CHF,CLP,CNY,CZK,DKK,EUR,GBP,HKD,HUF,IDR,ILS,INR,JPY,KRW,MXN,MYR,NOK,NZD,PHP,PKR,PLN,RUB,SEK,SGD,THB,TRY,TWD,ZARNotice: don't remove formula on A1 or enter data on range A1:GNotice: all you allowed to change is cell A3 and Balances values table What Is wrong with this? Even if you have no experience with programming this tutorial The CoinMarketCap API is actually really easy to use and they have a public API that doesn’t require authentication. When I press on (Add-ons) in Google Sheets, the only options given to me are ”Get add-ons and Manage add-ons”, and not anything about ”API Connector”.Nope, it’s still working as written. Tutorials on Google Apps Script with Google Sheets and any other product related with Google like Android or External Services with API Web Services However, there are many critical coins that are not being reported. Since last week, their API has changed, and now requires an API key, which is not a bog deal, since there is an option to get a free API key.