echo -e "nAre you sure? [ ${#} -gt 2 ] && USAGE too_many # Trap for wrong number of arguments echo # Provide newline for PROMPT_CONTINUE It would be like non_existing_directory will be a replica of source_directory.You cannot use the above command to create nested directory structure.For example, if you try to use cp -r source_dir dir1/dir2/dir3 but dir2 and dir3 don’t exist, it won’t create the nested directory structure and the command fails.One last tip to keep things short.

"arg1_d") ERR="Argument 1 is not a directory" ;; } MAIN "$1" "$2"I think the trailing “/” is for directories and no “/” is for files.-r is a flag for recursive copying, meaning directories/files from subdirectories as well.

case $CHOICE in Here the cp command copies the file in the /usr/local/bin directory the current directory. You already tried that and perhaps got this error:Let me show you a thing or two about copying directory in Linux.You can definitely use the same cp command but with the recursive option -r to copy a folder with its content to another folder. ] && USAGE tree_err # Trap for non-directory argument 1 rsync -av /path/to/source/ /path/to/destination/source/To backup my home directory, which consists of large files and mail folders to /media/backup, enter:You just learned how to copy a folder on a Linux like operating system using the The author is the creator of nixCraft and a seasoned sysadmin, DevOps engineer, and a trainer for the Linux operating system/Unix shell scripting.

STTY_PARAM='stty -g' # Save the terminal parameters CHOICE=`dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null` # Wait for keyboard input Copy 2 files main.c and def.h to destination absolute path directory /home/usr/rapid/: $ cp main.c def.h /home/usr/rapid/ Copy all C files in current directory to subdirectory bak : $ cp *.c bak A directory is a group of files. *) MAIN ;; # Usage Trap You will be overwriting any files of the same name in $2. # Copy the directory #[ ${1} = '.' The cp command can be used to copy all the files in directory to another directory.

{crontab also learned from you thanks alot}Note that if you are copying a directory with a different group-id, such as# Just the files of source_directory will be copied.

} USAGE(){

To copy files and directories use the cp command under a Linux, UNIX-like, and BSD like operating systems. stty -icanon eof '^a' min 1 # Configure the terminal interface to receive a single input character

(y/N): c"

] && USAGE tree_err # Trap for non-directory argument 1# Trap for destination-directory below source-directory (BUG: same dirname!)

} MAIN(){ cp dir1 dir2 If you use the -a option along with the -r option, it will preserve the original file information such as This much information should be enough for you to know how to copy a directory in Linux. Linux and Unix tutorials for new and seasoned sysadminLinux and Unix tutorials for new and seasoned sysadmincp source destination

[ -d ${1} ] || USAGE arg1_d # Trap for non-directory argument 1 cd "$1"; TREE_ERR=`find . You probably already know that you can use cp command to copy files in Linux. This page shows how to copy the contents of a folder to another folder using Linux terminal. Here’s how to copy a directory in Linux: cp -r source_directory destination_directory. Check your inbox and click the link to complete signin It can make copies across the network. For example: cp my_file.txt my_file2.txt # [yY]*) rsync -nav $1 $2; exit $?

"too_many") ERR="Too many arguments" ;; The cp command is the primary method for copying files and directories in Linux.

However, it will now copy the contents of the source directory, not the source directory itself.The non_existing_directory will be created with the content of the source_directory but it won’t have the source_directory inside it. In the following example we are copying the file file.txt to the /backup directory: cp file.txt /backup Virtually all Linux distributions can use cp.The basic format of the command is: cp [additional_option] source_file target_file. Copy single file main.c to destination directory bak: $ cp main.c bak .

# exec $0 2>&1|tee $0.debug # Puts error messages into file PROMPT_CONTINUE="ntttPlease press any key to continue ...c" # Prompt to end WAIT function WAIT(){ # Wait for keyboard input

cp is the command entered in a Unix and Linux shell to copy a file from one place to another, possibly on a different filesystem.

;; # Copy the directory tree You can use the various command to copy a folder under Linux operating systems. The syntax is as follows for the rsync commandrsync -av /path/to/source/ /path/to/destination/ Get the You can tell rsync to resume an unfinished copy by appending the –partial option.This comes in handy behind slowish and unstable connections.i am a beginner in computer repairs,i like u to update me also on linux usage nd repairs.Is there any benefit to using rsync without going over a remote network. cp will copy from the current directory without -r. Honest, it’s not a conspiracy.the folder full.20171104.0009.0069 change it’s name every week.You lose hidden files, and you could exceed the glob limit.Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux With Ubuntu/Debian GUIHow to rename multiple folders in Linux using command line# May also be accomplished with: cp -av source-dir/ /dest-dir# exec $0 2>&1|tee $0.debug # Puts error messages into file# Configure the terminal interface to receive a single input character"Destination-Directory may not be below the Source-Directory in the same directory tree"# [yY]*) rsync -nav $1 $2; exit $?

cp …

This quick tip for beginners demonstrates how to copy a directory in Linux using the cp command. ;; # Remove the -n argument to rsync to actually copy the directory tree#[ ${1} = '.' # # Debug [ "${TREE_ERR}" = "${2}" ] && USAGE tree_err #