When an gets focus, gradually change the width from 100px to 250px: input[type=text] { width: 100px; transition: ease-in-out, width .35s ease-in-out;} input[type=text]:focus { width: 250px;} Try it Yourself » Related Pages. CSS form styling creates a design for these elements. Great article! Well you could always just list out all the attribute selectors like I listed above, which will get you back to IE7 support. The different input types are as follows:

I’ve had times when the load time has increased threefold on ie simply by adding this script… That is surely as bad as simply ignoring ie entirely?Users will still be able to use the form, which is the important thing, regardless of the design.Yes, yes, yes, IE users will miss on the enhanced experience, but, so what, as I said, using the form is the end goal. To Aaron Stone: I`m already confused))) I`ll use these recommendations in my work. I get ball-like sides like the default submit button. Styling Input Fields Selecting Input Type. I wasn’t sure if giving an entire “mole” quantity of pluses to Mark was legit / legal … Hope no one yells at me here.If its too much for these companies to upgrade IE because of legacy systems ect… Then they need to invest in virtual systems that can run those legacy apps and still be up with the times.There is no way a company should be stuck with IE6, they need to invest, get the legacy software developers to provide support so they can use newer versions and get on with it already.Well, if it’s too much to create a cross browser, cross operating system -compatible website. i figured you’d use some sexy AJAX goodness to submit comments seamlessly :)Within an intranet, you don’t really need the fancy shit described in this blog post… so feel free to build with CSS 0.01 and web 1.0 table madness sans JS.Websites built for general purpose WWW use, on the other hand, CAN and SHOULD be built without IE6 support. This will probably be very useful for WordPress, etc. Having a bet with myself that the new screencast will be jQuery related. Finally figured out how to style all the buttons at once using the type, in some situations its a must.Thank you for this, but the thing wanna know is -” will this work for all the browsers? Have to hack it with jQuery uniform.p/s: just realise your “submit comment” button missing out cursor:pointer.And another thing, you have a typing error. This comment thread is closed.

CSS: input[type=text] { padding:5px; border:2px solid #ccc; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; } input[type=text]:focus { border-color:#333; } input[type=submit] { padding:5px 15px; background:#ccc; border:0 none; cursor:pointer; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; } share | improve this answer | follow | edited Nov 9 '15 at 13:21.

no matter how much one would want to, one canNOT ignore IE – and those countless millions of poor corporate souls stuck on using IE with disabled js support. The tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data.. Say like the range type and Firefox 4. Depending on what you use, you may have to change the type attribute selector. Thank you.Great fun. Sure it might add more to your style sheet, but then again so are the vendor properties you’re using.I think this is my most preferred way. I can remember trying to style some buttons on a moodle install and started off my adding a class to each button… bad idea. Just wanted to point out so that people don’t get confused reading that… =)Not understanding… this is how it’s written in the article:That looks right to me?

Here is a CSS template for modifying input fields in CSS. !This is the first i’ve heard of the :not selector sooo awesome! Applying CSS button style to all buttons in your code easily.CSS selector guide: what is the difference between CSS parent selector and CSS descendant selectors? In the end, you’d end up with just as many selectors in your :not() rule.You are right about that, if you end up :not()’ing just as much stuff as you would include, that’s even more confusing and verbose.

Thank you, Apple.The related posts above were algorithmically generated and displayed here without any load on my server at all, not.I was literally writing this before I scrolled down and saw it! So then you are like no-prob-bob, I’ll just make sure to only style text inputs! IE doesn’t support that Upgrade[s] MSIE5.5-8 to be compatible with modern browsers.Not interested in that? CSS attribute selectors select specific CSS input types for styling: input[type=text] - selects form fields that accept text. @Mark, being a ‘usability’ expert as your Twitter implies, I’m sure you’re only joking ;)Oh, and are we only limited to giving +1’s? CSS tutorial: CSS Pseudo classes Previous CSS Selectors Reference Next COLOR PICKER. Die vorgegebene Größe des Feldes beträgt meist 20 bis 30 Zeichen und wird über das Attribut size und/oder durch eine CSS-Regel gesteuert. Sure you do too. The element is the most important form element.. With Sass, you can achieve this by just changing a variable. (Attractive to some, I suppose…)(…later that very same afternoon) And the surprise answer is, the kludge “-webkit-appearance:none”. I need to look into that fallback.Thanks for this!! Most of the CSS3 stuff degrades nicely (e.g. Well my favorite way would be to harness CSS3 and the Now you’re back to square one (default user agent stylesheet) on those other inputs. Burdon should be burden. However, I don’t think using the :not() selector is a good option. in my case i always put these stuffs in a p tag like

name : < input type=text />

and so on and then applying the css like.