To all mankind of the Universe, each one of them, she’ll give more love (temptation) that the one she gave to Buddha in the past.“Carnal desires innumerable, I vow to overcome them all ──── Isn’t that painful? さすれば人を滅ぼす獣の幼体となる資格は充分。 For Beast III/R, see Beast III/R.

Emm. 『自分に全ての愛を向けさせる』そのけものとは方向性が間逆な、しかし同じ愛欲の、『自分が全てに愛を与える──即ち、全ての(本来、愛しい人に向けられる)愛を奪う』獣の幼体として、彼女はここに顕現する。 …… Or alternatively, she hides it in her other face as Mara. One of the Seven Evils of Mankind, the Beast of “Lust”, Beast III/R had already manifested. Kama got the body of the Universe, but that’s similar to how the identical being, the Demon Lord Mara had the power of a boundless territory (Universe) in his hand. 」「赤羽根健治」によるEpisode 21解説更新!このホームページに掲載されている一切の文書・図版・写真等を I’ll love you all the way until you degenerate into livestock, she affirms.
The greatest evil/disaster of “The Demon Lord of Lust connected to the Universe” being similar to “the god of love connected to the Universe”. The reason is that they indicate they’re “the same being”. A theorem of “all-reacting-type selves” that can be freely customized and exist in a countless number like stardust. Avaruddha is “obstacle” in Sanskrit, and indicates the several hindrances, or invitations to depravity, that Mara sent to Buddha.

Arthur's interlude reveals that Beast VI's presence in the Grand Order timeline and his quest to defeat it permanently is directly linked to Beast I's defeat. This is the oppressive and sadistic Kama/Mara, whose speech and actions look down on humanity, but she can “love” anything, and therefore is able to “degenerate into lust”. This article is for Beast III/L. 『Fate/Grand Order -絶対魔獣戦線バビロニア-』Blu-ray&DVD vol.4~5 発売日変更のお知らせ 2020.04.21 このホームページに掲載されている一切の文書・図版・写真等を 手段や形態を問わず複製、転載することを禁じます。 She is an NPC and enemy version of Kama. 『愛欲』の獣、ビーストⅢ/Rは既に顕現した。 カーマは宇宙の肉体を得たが、それは同一存在の魔王であるマーラが無辺際の領域(宇宙)のちからを手に入れたことに等しい。 The fate of a beast who, despite possessing the qualifications of a messiah (Saver), wanted to save only her own world. Tactical Rock–Paper–Scissors : Each Beast behaves in a unique fashion gameplay-wise, despite technically being the same class. ビーストⅢ/Lの専用宝具であり、 She, like all Beast-class servants, is currently unobtainable and most likely will not be able to be summoned later in the future. It negates all the skills possessed by the Saver and Ruler Classes, increases the fascination chances towards targets with A Rank or below in MGI to 300%, and raises up the buff effects applied by Kiara to 200%. Become as helpless as you want. But when that ratio gets closer to Mara, this Saint Graph is awakened as a Beast.

A skill also called Anti-Humanity. As if that was a chain. 二神の力で顕す極限堕落宝具。 特例として二つの真名を持つ。 WebFeeder – Fate/Grand Order アプリNews24 ゲームブログ ランキングアンテナ フェイトグランドオーダー攻略まとめアンテナ【Fate/Grand Order】 まとめくす … … Fou! A form that smiles while ridiculing and toying with the oath of a Bodhisattva. Do whatever you want. 対人類、とも呼ばれるスキル。

That is enough qualification to become the immature form of a beast that destroys people. A coercive indulgence in a “love” with both good and bad meanings…… An extreme Noble Phantasm that represents the demonic nature of the two gods, Kama and Mara, at a natural disaster scale. カーマは『愛と欲望の宇宙的氾濫』という災害を内包する存在となった。 Fate/Grand Order Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. What is here is a Beast that stews mankind with her (arrow of) love that could burn the Universe. 七つの人類悪のひとつ、 For the 5★, see Kama. Fate/Grand Oder フロム ロストベルト (4) Fate/Grand Oder 英霊食聞録 (3) Fate/Grand Order -Epic of Remnant- 亜種特異点EX 深海電脳楽土 SE.RA.PH (23) Fate/Grand Order -turas réalta-(1) TYPE-MOONコミックエース (21) (24) Beast VII (ビーストVII, Bīsuto VII) is a Beast-class Servant appearing in Fate/Grand Order. Saṃsāra is a Sanskrit term meaning “the cycle of death and rebirth” from which the other name of Kama “Samsara-Guru” derives from. I’ll burn all your worries”. Fou, foufou. In other words, the Beast Kama/Mara exists infinitely as a universe called herself. "God of Another Planet", localized as Foreign God), she was the cause of the Human Order Revision incident. Saṃsāra Kama/Mara Avaruddha. It’s Beast III/L’s designated Noble Phantasm, and possesses two True Names as an exceptional case. It’s an Authority to get close to, coddle, and corrupt the lust (carnal desires) of the people living in the Universe. カーマの宇宙の中でこの宝具を受けた場合、それは『全方位に無差別にカーマが自分(分身)を送り込み、一方的な愛で宇宙を燃やし涸らす』という 地獄───あるいは極楽のような光景を見ることになるだろう それぞれが『同じもの』を示しているが故である。 『宇宙と繋がった欲望の魔王』が『宇宙と繋がった愛の神』に等しいという最悪・災厄。 …