In these circuits some sections of the frontal lobe are connected with the striated, the pale globe and the thalamus:Motor circuit, related to the control of movements.Oculomotor circuit, related to the association between our movements and the position of objects identified through sight.Dorsolateral prefrontal circuit, related to executive functions.Cingulate prefrontal circuit, related to emotional responses.A rough way could be said that the frontal lobe receives The prefrontal cortex is the last area to develop in the frontal lobe and brain in general.

Si une personne a développé normalement, cette zone devrait représenter plus de la moitié du cerveau’s de volume. (5) Pathologies dégénératives cérébrales. Santé Naturelle Il lobo frontale è situato nella parte anteriore di ciascun emisfero cerebrale (di fronte al lobo parietale e al lobo temporale), ed è il più grande dei quattro lobi principali della corteccia cerebrale nel cervello dei mammiferi.. The dopaminergic system is linked with reward, attention, short-term memory tasks, planning, and motivation. Changes in the speech device, probably due to aphasia, so that the person pronounces strangely.Commission of naming errors, how to persevere and respond before fragments of the stimulus and not the stimulus in global.They respond better to visual than verbal stimuli because they have poor control of behavior through language.They can not maintain a central topic of conversation.Lack of connection elements to give shapes and make the logical language.Concretism. Frontal Lobe: The frontal lobe is the largest of the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex in the brain. Anatomie Dans le cerveau humain, le sillon central (ou scissure de Rolando) sépare le lobe frontal du lobe pariétal tout au. I suoi limiti sono rappresentati dalle scissure centrale e laterale, sulla faccia laterale, e dalla scissura limbica, sulla faccia mediale. The human frontal lobe is widely related to functions as important as language, control of motor actions and executive functions, so that, if injured, the person can suffer serious problems that we will also discuss in this article.Before explaining the functions of the frontal lobe, its location and anatomy will be described.The brain is composed of cortical areas and subcortical structures, I will start with the cortical areas since the frontal lobe is one of them.The cerebral cortex is divided into lobes, separated by grooves, the most recognized being the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital, although some authors postulate that there is also the limbic lobe (Redolar, 2014).The cortex is divided into two hemispheres, the right and the left, so that the lobes are present symmetrically in both hemispheres, with a right frontal lobe and a left lobe, a right and left parietal lobe, and so on..The cerebral hemispheres are divided by the interhemispheric fissure while the lobes are separated by different grooves.Image adapted from: staff. These deficits prevent them from leading a normal life as they interfere with their work/school, family, social tasks …Although the symptoms described are the most common, their characteristics are not universal and will depend on both patient variables (age, premorbid performance …), and injury (specific location, a magnitude …) and the course of the syndrome.The category of frontal syndromes is very broad and encompasses another series of syndromes that differ according to the injured area.Cummings (1985), describes three syndromes (cited in León-Carrión & Barroso, 1997):Imbriano (1983) adds two more syndromes to the classification elaborated by Cummings (cited in León-Carrión & Barroso, 1997):Language Disorders in Children: Definition and TypesHow to Build Emotional Intelligence in Children: 17 Tips The frontal lobe has an anterior area composed by the lateral, medial and inferior faces of every hemisphere.