Latin [] Verb []. Antonium quaestorem suis praefecit hibernis; ipse equitum praesidio pridie Kal. Ciceronis libro quo Catonem caelo aequavit, quid aliud dictator Caesar quam rescripta oratione velut apud Bruti contiones falsa quidem in Augustum probra set multa cum acerbitate habent; carmina Bibaculi et Catulli referta contumeliis Caesarum leguntur: sed ipse divus Iulius, ipse divus Augustus et tulere ista et reliquere, haud facile dixerim, moderatione magis an sapientia. ce, Plural 2: Marcs. Antonius et Gaius Trebonius legati, quibus hae partes ad defendendum obvenerant, qua ex parte nostros Antonius, and Caius Trebonius, the lieutenants, to whom the defense of these parts had been the redoubts which were more remote, and sent them to aid our troops, in whatever direction they understood that they were hard pressed.

Smith, aedificator Sicaginiensis, perfunctionem poësis urbanae in certamina ab audientia iudicata anno 1984 commutavit.Chicago construction worker Marc Smith turned urban poetry performance into audience-judged competitions in 1984.They lived under house arrest in Horsens in Jutland under the guardianship of Juliana Maria and at the expense of Empress Catherine. linguam Germanicam docet, sed hoc anno Gallicam docet.Marco teaches German, but this year he's teaching French.Multis de causis Caesar maiorem Galliae motum exspectans per Silanum, Gaium Antistium Reginum, Titum Sextium legatos dilectum Gnaeo Pompeio proconsule petit, quoniam ipse ad urbem cum imperio rei publicae causa remaneret, quos ex Cisalpina Gallia consulis sacramento rogavisset, ad signa convenire et ad se proficisci iuberet, magni interesse etiam in reliquum tempus ad opinionem Galliae existimans tantas videri Italiae facultates ut, si quid esset in bello detrimenti acceptum, non modo id brevi tempore sarciri, sed etiam maioribus augeri copiis posset.Caesar, expecting for many reasons a greater commotion in Gaul, resolves to hold a levy lieutenants: at the same time he requested Cn.Pompey, he was remaining near the city invested with military command for the interests of the commonwealth, he would command those men whom when consul he had levied by the military oath in Cisalpine Gaul, to join their respective corps, and to proceed to him; thinking it of great importance, as far as regarded the opinion which the Gauls would entertain for the future, that that the resources of Italy should appear so great that if any loss should be sustained in war, not only could it be repaired in a short time, but likewise be further supplied by still larger forces.

Silanum obtinentem Africam metuens, ablatam proconsuli legionem misso in eam and handed it over to a legate whom he sent for that purpose. second-person singular present active imperative of marceō The letters Antonius, the harangues of Brutus contain reproaches against Augustus, false indeed, but urged with powerful sarcasm; the poems which we read of Bibaculus and Catullus are crammed with invectives on the Caesars. Be careful. Type: proper; A male given name, a spelling variant of Mark in the French fashion. Moulin was later moved on to pursue a solo career.At successor Licinii Marcus Perperna eum circumvenit atque ad deditionem coegit. huiusmodi Iesu actionem denotare videtur veluti actum supremum, actum constitutivum qui identitatem tribuit , for its part, appears to see in this action of Jesus a sovereign which gives an identity to those whom he chose: ''he appointed Twelve'' (3:14). We don't have straight translations, but we think one of translations given below may be right. In France and Holland it was equal to eight ounces.A coin formerly current in England and Scotland, equal to thirteen shillings and four pence.The refuse matter that remains after fruit, particularly grapes, has been pressed.An alcoholic spirit distilled from the marc of grapes.made from residue of grapes or apples after pressingthe solid remains of grapes, olives, or other fruit after pressing for juice or oil.Cookies help us deliver our services.