
Tragic!This is very sad. It is a very factual and poignant documentary but the high-octane story that runs the length of it only serves to add horsepower to the facts. I visited the ruins of Pompeii last March (2011) .

I'm sorry.

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They figured this as the gods being angry not having anything to do with a near by mountain which they did not know was a "mountain of fire. The most interesting Documentary which I've ever seen!This must have been an incredibly scary experience. the suffering that they endured so do we.I love docudramas as long as the acting is top notch. Since Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, burying the city of Pompeii, it has been frozen in time.

Just are possibly in any assist other places, We are privileged that will help you with what I have always uncovered from this level.What is a shame is that Pompeii, after sleeping for centuries under its protective covering, seems to be on its final death throes. You should watch Neanderthal. In 63 AD was not an eruption of ash, rock, or magma but just a earthquake that destroyed buildings and bridges. What the volcano didn't do, incompetence, neglect and bureaucratic do-nothingness are sure to finish the job.If you are not yet sure where to go on holidays this coming summer, do consider Pompeii in Italy.

This map was created by a user. The arena, coliseum in Pompeii is 100 years older than the one in Rome and unlike Rome's Pompeii's arena is almost in pristine condition.Excellent.
the volcano should be extint . I said that it is just my personal opinion.

I hope that I don't put off anyone from watching it who likes this type of documentary, that was not my intention when I wrote my comment.

"seeing the remains cuddled in each other's arms was pretty sad.. Pompeii: The Last Day is a dramatized documentary that tells of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on 24 August 79 AD.. It's a free compilation of all documentaries posted each week, straight to your inbox. Anyways say what you want I will no longer reply regardless what you have to say.
it hasn't erupted in 1000 years. Personally I don't like these Docu-dramas, they should either be one or the other.

Yes, it's costumes are exquisite, but with Pliny the Elder acting as though this was a novel, scientific phenomenon deserving study morphs it into pure pseudohistory. I was there last week and came back wanting to go again.

they allow us to see through the eyes of those who were killed. The over dramatised parts distract you from learning the facts. It is like walking the streets of Antiquity, a travel travel journey. !overdramatization notwithstanding (because these things TEND to be poorly acted..) are you telling me you are UNABLE to learn something unless it is laid out for you in a lesson-plan style??

I sometimes felt I was trespassing every time I entered their houses.

This eruption covered the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in ash and pumice, killing all those trapped between the volcano and the sea. Think of how many times this has occurred around the world over thousands of years but the stories were never told.

NOT! I loved that they reenacted it.

Where will we get our useless, unhelpful, sarcastic one-liners? This documentary has given me a lot to understand what actually happened there on the fatal day.Awesome Doc... Really enjoyed it... And imo, if the Dramatic parts are made well, they actual help you remember the facts, because you associate them better with actions (semantic processing)...I think docudrama's are brilliant. Map of Pompeii showing principal buildings. -- A little further north is another excavated ancient Roman town, Herculaneum, just as amazing although I was amazed at how massive, how large Pompeii is. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. If I wanted to watch a drama (which I don't) then I would watch a drama, I want to learn something, so just give me the facts.In that case read a book or watch a recorded lecture. Learn how to create your own. So no more comments from u??

Not only do you learn facts, your sucked into the story of the people that are based on what was found during the hundreds of years of excavation.

Pompeii is that well preserved. That's very unfortunate. This is an unforgetable Historial ecperience.It is all due to Pliney the younger's account.