Randstad’s business principles are set around, and are supportive of, our core values: to know, to serve and to trust, simultaneous promotion of all interests and striving for perfection. The Parties' proposed Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement (attached hereto as Exhibit A) is sufficient to inform Class Members of the terms of the Settlement, their rights under the Settlement, their rights to object to the Settlement, their rights to dispute their amount due under the Settlement, and their rights to elect not to participate in the Settlement, the processes for doing so, and the date and location of the final approval hearing, and is therefore approved.4. employers Randstad II - Prestação de Serviços, Limitada; A Randstad II - Prestação de Serviços, Limitada é uma sociedade comercial de responsabilidade limitada, registada em Portugal com o número de pessoa coletiva 503298999 . Both Plaintiff and Randstad believe that the Settlement is fair, adequate and reasonable, and that it is in the best interests of the members of the Settlement Class.In a class action, one or more people sue on behalf of other people who have similar claims. One of the most exciting tasks in my day-to-day work is searching for tailored solutions to improve the level of service.

Randstad Inhouse Services concentrates on creating a high-performance culture that boosts morale and job satisfaction, resulting in increased productivity. The Court has ordered that this Notice be sent to you because you may be a member of the Settlement Class.• The purpose of this Notice is to inform you of the Settlement of the class action and your legal rights and options under the Settlement:You have received this notice because Randstad's company records indicate that you worked, or continue to work, for Randstad as a non-exempt, hourly employee in California supplying services to third party clients (as a temporary placement employee and external talent) between the Class Period of October 29, 2009 to May 20, 2016 (a "Settlement Class Member").

Agence d'intérim. In Switzerland, Life & Work was acquired, in Spain Tempo Grup and in Germany Time Power. Additional overtime available too.

contacte-nos The Court will only listen to persons who are authorized to speak at the hearing. The hearing may be moved to a different date and/or time without additional notice. Whether or not you cash the settlement check, the Settlement will be binding. A) is granted preliminary approval as it meets the criteria for preliminary settlement approval. Class Counsel's motion for attorneys' fees, costs, and an enhancement award will be on file with the Court and available for review at www.randstadsettlement.com no later than July 29, 2016.The judge will hold a hearing to decide whether to approve the Settlement. In October 2001, Cleem Farla succeeded Hans Zwarts as CEO. Randstad Inhouse Services successfully hired and retained 735 employees who had previously worked for the client through Randstad during past peak seasons. Nothing in this Notice or the Settlement is intended to be tax advice. Randstad In-House Services is delighted to be partnering with Mondeléz International - Mondelēz International is Europe’s largest chocolatier and biscuit baker, the second-largest maker of candy and coffee and the third largest producer of gum.

The unintended effect was that the demand for temporary staff soared, due to the relatively low costs.

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Moreover, each temporary employee had to be regularly re-registered with the Ministry; nor were temporary staff allowed to earn more than permanent employees. The Court reserves the right to continue the date of the final approval hearing without further notice to Class Members. If there are any appeals, resolving them could take some time, so please be patient.The Settlement Agreement becomes effective on the date by which the last of the following has occurred (a) all conditions of settlement have been satisfied; (b) the United States District Court for the Northern District of California has entered and filed the Final Approval Order and Judgment; and (c) the time period for appeal of the Judgment has been exhausted without any appeals having been filed (30 days after entry of the Judgment), or all such appeals have been voluntarily or involuntarily dismissed or the appropriate appellate court or courts have entered a final judgment affirming the Final Approval Order and Judgment of the Court and the final judgment of such appellate court or courts is no longer subject to any further appellate challenge or procedure.

This Notice is designed to advise you of how you can participate in this Settlement or how you can exclude yourself from or object to this Settlement.Plaintiff Adan Ortiz ("Plaintiff" or "Class Representative") claims in the lawsuit that Randstad has violated a number of wage and hour laws.

New board member On Friday 16 May 1998, at the age of 65, Frits Goldschmeding retired from the company he founded after 38 years. A final approval hearing will be held on September 23, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., to determine whether the Settlement should be granted final approval as fair, reasonable, and adequate as to the Class Members. Listed below are those cases in which this Featured Case is cited. increased employee retention We work with you to implement a talent management program that helps engage your …