'``// Component to use for generating additional examples * Substitute this description for `styleguide.description`. pocotan001/react-styleguide-generator. ReactJS Style Guides Developing a style guide for your project will bring long term gains but maintaining the guide over time can be a challenge. Pattern Libraries (or Style Guides) are a helpful tool in developing websites.Read more about Creating Style Guides at this A List Apart article..

Contribute to shershen08/vue-styleguide-generator development by creating an account on GitHub.

root. React inspired style guide generator for Vue.js Vue js components styleguide generator For purpose of having a demo of your Vuejs components please take a look at following projects that do really great job and are really handy for you dev workflow with Vuejs: storybook for vuejs and vue-styleguidist.

14. Focus on one component at a time, see all its variants and work faster with hot reload. React inspired style guide generator for Vue.js Easily generate a good-looking styleguide by adding some documentation to your React project. Style guide. Tagged Beautiful, Developer Tool. It’s a style guide generator for your React components. There is also a Styleguidist plugin for a SourceJS style guide engine which allows for an easy integration with React components. React inspired style guide generator for Vue.js It lists component propTypes and shows live, editable usage examples based on Markdown files. Each component has a props table and documentation section that renders from Markdown file where every code sample transformed into a playground with rendered code and a code editor where you can change its code and see how component behave with different props.

This is valuable as it helps you to keep your design consistent and communicate it to your developers better. 1000ch edited #42. An overview of Pattern Library Generators. React components style guide generator Last ... React Styleguidist is a component development environment with hot reloaded dev server and a living style guide that you can share with your team. Description. The last two have the powerful component playground features. BuilderX is a browser based screen design tool that codes React Native & React for you . Isolated React component development environment with a living style guide "React Styleguidist is a component development environment with hot reloaded dev server and a living style guide that you can share with your team. People have been developing style guides for their sites and applications for quite a while. However, there are a couple of similar projects worth mentioning such as React Styleguide Generator, React Style Guide, Carte Blanche, Atellier and React Cosmos. Try it today and get a free $100 credit.

We’re hosting on Digital Ocean! When this option is enabled, styleguide will use history API.Generate the files and their dependencies into a styleguide output. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Easily generate a good-looking styleguide by adding some documentation to your React project. There are, however, various tools that help us generate a dynamic Pattern Library or 'Living Style Guide'.
Besides, you can find a working example app in the starter kit as well. React Style Guide Generator Isolated React component development environment with a living style guide Visit Site. 'You can use **Markdown** within this `description` field. Like we had jQuery plugins before.Thank you for your interview Artem. React Styleguidist. Each component has a props table and documentation section that renders from Markdown file where every code sample transformed into a playground with rendered code and a code editor where you can change its code and see how component behave with different props.You can also use react-styleguidist as a workbench to develop new components: it has a dev-server and hot-reloads any changes in components’ code and Markdown documentation.Because I couldn’t find any good tool to make a style guide for my project at work.Then I was trying to hack something and the idea of using Webpack loaders to load and hot-reload examples and Markdown documentation came to my mind.The biggest challenge with developing react-styleguidist is integration with users’ projects: Webpack loaders, styles and everything else should be isolated as much as possible and react-styleguidist’s code shouldn’t clash with project’s code. Style Guide Generator for React Apps I've been working on this project that generates live documentation of your components for apps built with create-react-app, would love to have some React devs try it out and get some feedback: For example, if the styleguide is hosted at Check for the existence of the files and only copy the files if it exists.Inject file references into index.html if the files with the extension An object can be passed instead of a filename that contains the RSG API options.Enable HTML5 pushState.