The mission for 8 to 13 year olds is much more recent (it began between 2007 to 2010). In its infancy, it was centred on evangelisation only. Réalisé par la Communauté du Chemin Neuf via le réseau international de prière « Net for God ». » Assurez-vous d’être pleinement disponibles : enfants couchés […] Apart from Laurent Fabre, this first community also included Jacqueline Coutellier, who had been thinking about joining the By September 1978, the Chemin Neuf had 30 adult members, living in private homes or in the three community houses at that time (two in Lyon and one in In 1980, a cycle of theological training, biblical and community based (lasting for three months) was established in Les Pothieres, a house of the community near At the beginning of the 1980s, the community was invited to come to the Paris area, to the Cenacle de The archbishop assigned some missions to the Chemin Neuf, especially those relating to communication. Formed from a charismatic prayer group in 1973, it has 2,000 permanent members [citation needed] in 30 countries, and 12,000 people serving [citation needed] in the community missions. In 2002, at the time of the second community assembly (known as the chapter), it was decided that all the commitments in the community or in all the different community missions would happen "within the ecumenical and international Net for God". As well as the initial sessions aimed at couples, other sessions were added: "Cana Couples and families" with a notable emphasis on the evangelisation of children and their participation in family life; "Cana Engagement" for couples beginning their journey, preparation for marriage, engagement: "Cana Hope" for people who are divorced or separated and not involved in a new relationship; finally "Cana Samaria" for divorced and re-married people. Its main founder is the Jesuit father, Laurent Fabre []. The decision was taken to organise a An international choir was established in 1996 to prepare for the In 2000, for the occasion of the World Youth Days, Net For God was established, a network of prayer and training for the unity of Christians and peace in the world, which brought together all the supporters of the Chemin Neuf and drew its inspiration from the vision of "the invisible monastery" developed in 1944 by Paul Couturier. The first to do this was Mgr Several student halls of residence were entrusted to the Chemin Neuf by parishes, dioceses, ecclesiastical organisations, or they were established by the community (particularly in Africa in the case of the latter)Bishops from several symbolic places of the Christian faith also asked the community, without entrusting them with the responsibility of the buildings, to sing the daily A first experience of sessions organised for couples took place in 1979 at the request of a couple from the Recognising the numerous needs relating to conjugal matters, the Cana mission expanded. For the moment it is limited to a few weekends per year in France and Brazil, particularly in parishes wanting to make the catechism groups more dynamic. This network is supported each month by films that show how God's love is visible today. In 1971, the Jesuit seminarian Laurent Fabre met Mike Cawdrey, an American Jesuit student who was familiar with the American Charismatic Renewal, at the diocesan seminary in Lyon. 1 191 en parlent. RETROUVEZ LES 2 SOIREES EN REPLAY Après avoir relu notre vie de couple, de famille, depuis le début du confinement, nous aborderons la question de « l’après » : « quels sont nos désirs pour demain ? CHEMIN DE CROIX - Vendredi Saint Net For God is a worldwide prayer network, that prays for unity and peace between different nations, cultures and denominations. Page officielle en France - Communauté catholique à vocation … Mercredi 1er avril - Prière en direct. Pour inviter le Seigneur dans ces soirées, vous pouvez allumer une petite bougie !Pour les couples engagés en fraternité CANA et CANA Welcome, une 3ème soirée vous sera proposée.Tout au long du week-end, retrouvez sur cette page des propositions à vivre en famille, quand vous le souhaitez.À vivre, quand vous le souhaitez, durant ce week-end…ET SI NOUS NE SOMMES PAS DISPONIBLES POUR UNE SOIRÉE ?Les soirées ont-été pensées comme « un tout », donc nous vous encourageons à les vivre toutes. It is present in France and in the majority of the places where there are community missions. Vendredi 3 avril - Prière en direct. Les deux soirées en ligne sont accessibles à tous. This crisis coincided with the publication of the books In 1998, a very controversial article published by the Centre Against Mental Manipulation (The legitimacy of these critics is, however, in question, notably by After 1995, the community became too numerous for decisions to continue to be taken by universal suffrage.