Paul Verlaine believed that this was unnatural. Shortly after the split Rimbaud gave up literature for ever and went off to become an explorer, trader and arms dealer in the horn of Africa. The old man disappointed at his son’s decision to forego respectability was not willing to fund his drinking and indolent lifestyle.Verlaine’s preferred choice of alcoholic beverage was absinthe, an aniseed flavoured spirit known in France as Le Fee Verte, or The Green Fairy. Being a 17-year-old girl, she was in Verlaine’s verses. Paul Verlaine died of pneumonia in Paris at the age of 51. They were, he thought, curtailing his genius.Following the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War and excited by events he ran away from home determined to get to Paris but with no money he did not get far and after being briefly imprisoned for vagrancy he was returned home.Terrified of his mother’s wrath he again ran away with little more success than the first time and was returned once more with humiliation now heaped upon fear. They parted with little emotion and were never to see one another again.Verlaine who had been damaged by his time in prison just wanted to get out of France. Once there he promptly deserted and worked for twelve years for a construction company first in the far-east and then Cyprus before going on to be a merchant in Yemen and trading coffee and weapons in Ethiopia.By 1891, suffering great pain in his right knee he returned to France where the problem was wrongly diagnosed and his leg amputated. In 1870 they were married, and soon Matilda became pregnant.In 1871, Arthur Rimbaud appeared at the poet’s door. Together they scandalised Parisian society.In order to get away from Paris in September 1872, they travelled together to London.Staying in Camden Town they had little money and scraped a living doing translation work but there was no support mechanism for them in London as there was in Paris and rarely agreeing upon anything their fights soon turned vicious with Verlaine taking to slashing at Rimbaud with a knife and the young poet’s hands were criss-crossed with scars where he had tried to protect himself.By June 1873, their relationship had soured to the point where Verlaine returned to Paris alone but he soon realised that he could not live without Rimbaud. However, Arthur Rimbaud even rejoiced at this turn of events, he became tired of an adult, always drunk lover.After being released from Verlaine’s prison, they met for the last time.

After a while, Verlaine had already shot at Rimbaud, and it ended for him with a 2-year prison sentence. Rimbaud had continued to refer to Verlaine in his poetry where he called their relationship a domestic farce with Verlaine as the pitiful brother and him as a mad virgin and the infernal groom. Their conversation ended in a quarrel. His talent was recognized by all, but the terrible behavior of Rimbaud repelled people.Matilda could not tolerate Rimbaud for a long time at home and, in the end, insisted that her husband kicks him out. Born in Charleville, he started writing at a very young age and excelled as a student, but abandoned his formal education in his teenage years to run away from home to Paris amidst the Franco-Prussian War. In the end, she could not stand it and applied for a divorce.In the passionate relationship of the two poets, aggression was constantly present. Effectively homeless sometimes he lived in a doss house, sometimes he slept on the streets.Eventually his friends rallied around finding him a place to stay and providing him with a small income and he spent his last days drinking absinthe in the cafes of Paris.Rimbaud had continued to refer to Verlaine in his poetry where he called their relationship a domestic farce with Verlaine as the pitiful brother and him as a mad virgin and the infernal groom. Verlaine and Rimbaud had a homosexual relationship which was sado-masochistic and volatile. If earlier he somehow held back the “demons” inside himself, now they broke free. The nature of their relationship, despite claims by biographers that they were lovers, remains unconfirmed, but her decision to move to France, as Fuller has argued, could easily have been a professional one; she was well known in French musical circles and several of her works had been published in Paris. So he rebelled, grew his hair long, adopted a bohemian style, spoke in coarse tones, and spread outlandish stories about his stay in Paris such as being raped by drunken Communards.Finally he was persuaded by a friend to write directly to Verlaine, a man who might help him in his literary pretensions. The Bloody Arena: A Short History of the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship Arthur Rimbaud died at 37 years old. Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud was a French poet known for his influence on modern literature and arts, which prefigured surrealism. It was in fact advanced cancer and there was little that could be done. Their relationship is called passionate, disastrous, “wrong.” Paul Verlaine was a man of subtle spiritual organization, easily succumbed to someone else’s influence, and Rimbaud was called a young genius scoundrel. As for Paul Verlaine, every year he fell ever lower. Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud are two French poets who have made a huge contribution to the world literature. Required fields are marked When the new Government was deemed to be collaborating with the Prussian victors it was expelled from Paris and the Revolutionary Commune proclaimed from the balcony of the Hotel de Ville to cheering crowds.Paris now came under siege once more but not this time by the Prussians but by their fellow Frenchmen and Verlaine, imbued with the revolutionary spirit, enlisted in the 160th Battalion of the Garde Nationale but the Commune was to be a short-lived experiment in socialist working class politics that was brutally crushed.Verlaine fought during La Saglante (The Bloody Week) before managing to escape the massacres that followed and going into hiding glad just to be alive.He had a restless spirit even as a child but always conformed to his mother’s demands.Despite professing his hatred of school he was a brilliant student often finishing top of his class and winning numerous awards.