Oxi pass Iceland road no. La route 864 vous emmène sur le versant est de cette impressionnante et magnifique chute d’eau le long de laquelle vous pourrez vous balader. No announcements about road conditions on this web page at the moment. Road 864 is a bumpy, unsealed and dusty road in in Vatnajökull National Park in Northeast Iceland, with a total length of 56.5km. Attention la 862 peut être elle aussi fermée quand il y a trop de neige : checkez l’état des routes ici. Since I was driving from Ásbyrgi down to Dettifoss, I opted to take 864 to avoid 862. We took the 862 and that meant that Dettifoss was one of the less favourite attractions for me because I didn't get to see the waterfall well enough. I heard that 864 is unpassable with a motorhome.This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of Members who are knowledgeable about this destination and volunteer their time to answer travelers' questions. Ajouter de nouveaux contenus Add à votre site depuis Sensagent par XML.Obtenir des informations en XML pour filtrer le meilleur contenu.Fixer la signification de chaque méta-donnée (multilingue). Nous effectuons un séjour en Islande fin août - début septembre, avec une voiture de tourisme. Cette piste est assez fréquentée en raison des nombreuses chutes d'eau situées à … Luckily, Dettifoss was right in the middle and broke the journey in half and I got to stop. 939 between Skriddalur and Berufjordur - drone aerial video - Duration: 4:46. I was in an Opel Astra wagon, so no 4WD.

This nasty corrugated gravel road, and incredibly dusty, goes through a lunar landscape. Hljóðaklettar Photo by Bernello via WikiMedia 4 wheeling is an inherently dangerous activity and shouldn’t be attempted without the appropriate training and equipment.

Once you’re in the road, everything inside the car will be … Note At 0:21 | 16 August 2020. I read that the east side is better for photographs.I would say take the 864. We were never closer than ~75m I think. Islande: routes 85, 87, 93 et 864.

Attention: route 864 (which is the first one you get to) is a gravel road and only suitable for 4WD drive cars. World&Drone 3,457 views

Voyage en Islande. This is the easiest way to get to the waterfall.864/east is rougher and non-paved. Cette cascade est décrite comme la plus puissance d'Europe. Définitions de Route 864 (Islande), synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de Route 864 (Islande), dictionnaire analogique de Route 864 (Islande) (français)
I couldn't imagine going 80 on that road! On peut y accéder par la route 862, à l’ouest (la route 864 sur l’autre rive n’ouvre que fin mai). I could just see them bouncing madly inside. Suivant: 7-Asbyrgi-et-environs Précédent: 5-N1-nord-est
Elle permet de rallier Dettifoss et Sefoss depuis la N1.

Petite vidéo de la route 862 entre Dettifoss et Asbyrgi.

There is a big parking lot and bathrooms.IF you take 862, is there a way to hike to get the view from the East side? Petite vidéo de la route 862 entre Dettifoss et Asbyrgi. Then you have to walk like 15 mins or so to reach the waterfall. Tous droits réservés.Les cookies nous aident à fournir les services. The 60km took almost 2 hours since I was generally driving around 30-40kmph. It was an unpleasant drive to say the least with people passing me or flying down at who-knows-what-speed the other way. La plupart des définitions du français sont proposées par SenseGates et comportent un approfondissement avec Littré et plusieurs auteurs techniques spécialisés. Know where you are and know where you are going; careful preparation for your trip will ensure that if, and when, things do go wrong, you are prepared for the situation. Exactly the information I was looking for.Like others have said, 862 (on the west side of the falls) is paved to Dettifoss and a good a road as any. It stops being paved towards North at the cutoff that goes to the parking lot. I know it is a gravel road but is it possible to pass with a motorhome? Plus au nord, le canyon d’Asbyrgi offre de nombreuses possibilités de promenades. The view is quite obstructed and having seen photos from the other side I think it'll give you a better view.

You have to go all the way around.Someone drove road 862 and can comment on possibilty of driving a motorhome on that road.

I have read few past posts on both roads but which road should be preferred for 2wd currently ..So confused ....has anyone been to Sentuasel road 907 by 2wd after passing jokuldar valley ?I can only remark on driving 864 between 85 and 1.

World&Drone 3,457 views No announcements about road conditions on this web page at the moment.