While there is no set definition of the rule of law encompassing all of its characteristics, there is a basic realm of common principles. As such, Political situation where every citizen is subject to the lawThe International Development Law Organization (IDLO)The International Network to Promote the Rule of Law (INPROL)The International Development Law Organization (IDLO)The International Network to Promote the Rule of Law (INPROL)In full: "The magistrates who administer the law, the judges who act as its spokesmen, all the rest of us who live as its servants, grant it our allegiance as a guarantee of our freedom.
For example, John Harrison asserts that the word "law" in the Constitution is simply defined as that which is legally binding, rather than being "defined by formal or substantive criteria", and therefore judges do not have discretion to decide that laws fail to satisfy such unwritten and vague criteria.Some modern scholars contend that the rule of law has been corroded during the past century by the instrumental view of law promoted by Others argue that the rule of law has survived but was transformed to allow for the exercise of discretion by administrators.

In Thailand, the police force is favor over the rich and corrupted. Federal and state Constitutions and democratic institutions at both levels upheld this nation’s “peculiar institution” — the barbaric practice of slavery. The use of arbitrary power is anathema to the rule of law. And just as the rule of law protects the majority from arbitrary power and tyranny, it must also protect the minority from arbitrary power and the "tyranny of the majority" (see also "Without the rule of law, there is likely to be either a dictatorship or mob rule. There is no single agreed definition of the rule of law. Thus Dicey's rule of law was recast into a purely procedural form.East Asian cultures are influenced by two schools of thought, Apart from a number of states and territories, across the continent there is a huge gulf between the rule of law rhetoric and reality. The four universal principles are further developed in the following nine factors of the annual WJP Rule of Law Index. The The International Development Law Organization has a holistic definition of the rule of law: This is the meaning of the oft- cited phrase "a government of laws, and not of men" (it was originally used in the Constitution of Massachusetts, quoted above, drafted by John Adams). The media and public, exercising their right to free speech, uncovered and publicized the Nixon administration's illegal activities.

2008:54 Pesos 15 Nov 2008. In democratic societies, deviations from the principles of the rule of law, such as slavery, systematic discrimination, or the unequal treatment of women, serve as powerful arguments in favor of the fulfillment of those principles rather than as legitimate justifications for invalidating them. The rule of law is one of the longest established common law fundamental principles of the governance of the United Kingdom, dating to Magna Carta of 1215, particularly jurisprudence following its late 13th century re-drafting.

The ethnic cleansings that occurred under Stalin are an example of the consequences of unchecked power. Providing products and services that enable customers to excel in the practice and business of law and help justice systems, governments and businesses to function more effectively, efficiently and transparently.
Visit the International Justice Monitor Rule of law definition, the principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced; the principle of government by law. The liberty of man, in society, is to be under no other legislative power, but that established, by consent, in the commonwealth; nor under the dominion of any will, or restraint of any law, but what that legislative shall enact, according to the trust put in it.