With regard to property tax, legislation is being sought to raise the income thresholds for Taxe d’Habitation, so that 80% of households (around 18 million) will be exempt from this tax instead of the current 30%. I would suggest you contact the French Embassy where you live, to find out what the costs for Taxe Fonciere and Taxe d'Habitation may be like, as I am not sure of the implications, if any, of you not being from the EU. It is impossible to say with complete certainty or accuracy, as every case is different. La taxe foncière, payée par les propriétaires en octobre lorsqu'ils ne sont pas mensualisés, peut représenter une somme très importante à débourser.

The furniture was removed several weeks prior to the settlement. If you live in the property but do not own it, therefore, you are liable to pay this tax although you do not have to pay the Taxe Foncière. I have two properties in the same area in France, both of which are now habitable. Like the Foncière tax, however, it varies considerably from place to place. Whilst we stlll own a house here even though going back to England, will we still have to fill out this form?Thanks for contacting us. Thanks for contacting us. I would contact your local tax office anyway, to see what your options are and if you can get some sort of refund.

For this discount, you have to apply within 90 days of completion of the work, to your local property tax office (Centre des Impots Fonciers or Bureau de Cadastre) before the 31st December for exemption for the following year.

I would think you might not be able to claim for all the time you have been over taxed, but may well be able to get some back. Thanks for contacting us. In September I received the Taxe Fonciere demand for 2011 and paid the full amount in the belief that I was liable for the full year of 2011. Could you advise me on who I can contact to ask for this 10% be wavered (if possible)? There is absolutely no way I am paying tax for a property I have had nothing do with for 18 months! From what you say it does sound as if you should get a reduction in your Taxe d'Habitation, if this property is your main residence (possibly even complete exemption).

I'm afraid I don’t know of such a service, but have you tried finding a "translator" at your Mairie who can assist? I wondered if you could clarify whether I am However, I understood the property that the tax relates to had to be your main residence, in order for you to be eligible for any reduction, and if this is a leaseback property, I assume you only live there a few weeks a year. it. We have just received a Tax Fonciere Avis d'impot 2014 for 333 Euros.

I understand that in most cases where a property is sold, it is up to the Notaire to arrange for new owners to agree to pay the Taxe Fonciere for the portion of the year that they will own the house.

As a general rule, towns are more expensive than villages, and country properties less costly still.The amounts are decided by the local authorities in the same manner as the Foncière tax.The Taxe d'Habitation is payable in November each year, with demands being sent out in October.It is worth noting that although most people are liable for these taxes, there are a few exemptions and discounts available. Am I liable to pay this? / Ruée sur les maisons !

Can anyone tell me if I can pay the Taxe d'Habitation with my UK credit card?Thanks for contacting us. I am a bit confused as to which taxes you are being charged for, for which properties in 2009. The department is the Pyrenees-Orientales and the Commune St Feliu d'Avall. for eight days stay by the vendor. Our neighbours have a beautiful renovated house which is much bigger than our renovation project yet pay less tax than us. Any further bills should then go to the new owners. Hi - I own a house near Montpon Menesterol and have rented the property out since June 2013.

Is this not correct? I understood Taxe d'Habitation bills were sent towards the end of the year, unless you have chosen to pay by direct debit either monthly or annually, so I am not sure why you have received one in June.

If you as the owner wanted your lodger to pay for this, you would have to get it from him/her, rather than claiming it back from the tax office. Un taux est ensuite appliqué par les impôts en fonction de la commune où se trouve le bien afin de déterminer l’impôt foncier du contribuable.. Cet impôt foncier est dû par le propriétaire du bien au premier janvier de l’année d’imposition.La taxe foncière est à régler au 15 octobre. The house is 199 metres square. We are retired.

However the process for applying for them is unclear.Thanks for contacting us. We own one property that we live in here in France but four years ago my father in law bought the house next door to us here and was too ill to come over to sign the paperwork. After visiting the Tax office, it appears the guy we helped out, whose name is also on the bill, didn't report his new address as he should have done when leaving us. Do you have an estimate of how much we would pay?