- The values defined initially are applied to all headings, then the more specific values are applied to the headings with the classes.Let's now have a look at how the browser will calculate specificity.

Thanks!I’ll have to revisit these id + class rules. We already know that an element selector has low specificity and can be overwritten by a class.

Here's what you'd learn in this lesson: Brian discusses the Cascade, which is used to settle potential conflicting CSS rules.

So if you have .myClass { background: white; color: blue; } .keepOnClassing { color: red; } The red color will be used, but not the background color as it … It makes it so confusing. I didn’t know this about css selectors.I heard about this technique some time ago and loved it because it greatly reduced the amount of markup. i.e class=”class1 class2″although it won’t make your html any prettier, you can select the last #id.class in ie6 by stacking the classes in the markup:i’m also curious about seeing the issue solved with conditional styles. Can’t you just stick to ‘the one with spaces first and the one without spaces second’ instead of mixing everything up? For example, if you have a sidebar visible, the #wrapper div will get a “left-sidebar” class. Below we again have two rules that could apply to the We'll explain specificity scoring and other such things later on.Inheritance also needs to be understood in this context — some CSS property values set on parent elements are inherited by their child elements, and some aren't.Some properties do not inherit — for example if you set a These three concepts together control which CSS applies to what element; in the below sections we'll see how they work together.

A cleaner(or at least in my opinion) would be using child selectors like:IE6 is the only one that doesn’t natively support > (which is CSS2) but you’d need JS to support HTML5 in IE anyway.Read the article this morning.

)For those who actually want to get this to work in IE6, I found this link which explains how:You would have your container div with an id and a class, THEN a blank div (no id or class), THEN your content.When I wrote that bytesizecss article, I didn’t mean for people to think that only a ‘div’ element with no id or class is the solution.It could be any element and it could have a class and/or an id. Il peut s'avérer intéressant d'affecter des styles différents à des mêmes balises. Since I use a conditional stylesheet for IE6 anyway – this seems like a great option to go back to.Does this happen to anyone else? I add a class to the container so something like I also bet that in HTML5, people will be doing this a lot. It selects based on the first selector in the list.”Not in my experience so far… .red.border would select on .red, not .borderDavid is correct. - If you haven’t already created an account, you will be prompted to do so after signing in. sorry; total newb. IE 6 is rather weird. The aim of this lesson is to develop your understanding of some of the most fundamental concepts of CSS — the cascade, specificity, and inheritance — which control how CSS is applied to HTML and how conflicts are resolved.While working through this lesson may seem less immediately relevant and a little more academic than some other parts of the course, an understanding of these things will save you much pain later on!

I admit the use cases for the ID versions are slimmer, but there are certainly uses.

sorry for myself because i see here now!thanks a lot!Really cool article. For example, in the stylesheet below we have defined generic styles for level 2 headings, and then created some classes which change only some of the properties and values. I tried it out on a few of my sites but had to give up on it because of the issues with IE6.Could you give some examples on how to solve the IE6 issue using conditional styles.

IE6 and tomfoolery in the same sentence.

Les pseudo-classes dynamiques permettent de modifier le style d'une balise en fonction This article explains what the cascade is, the order in which CSS declarations cascade, and how this affects you, the web developer.. Pour cela, il suffit dans votre code CSS d'écrire les classes les unes à côté des autres séparées par un espace: la première sera parente de la deuxième, qui sera parente de la troisième, etc... à condition que chacune soit imbriquée dans l'autre au sein de votre code HTML en CSS. not seeing how to use #id.class in ie6 using conditionals off the top of my head.

If a border were to be inherited by the children of our list, every single list and list item would gain a border — probably not an effect we would ever want!Which properties are inherited by default and which aren't is largely down to common sense.CSS provides four special universal property values for controlling inheritance. For example, maybe that black border isn’t working on the red boxes, let’s fix that:All good current browsers support this as well as IE back to version 7. So you would have h1.red or h1.blue…stuff like that.

We started using a lot of these at the last job – then removed them all when they weren’t working as expected in IE6. It will be extremely helpful in helping to reduce divs within divs. Fonctionnant sous Windows, macOS et Ubuntu – mais uniquement en 64 bits –, il sait gérer un très grand nombre de formats et de codecs tout en offrant une vaste palette d'outils et de fonctions (retouche, rognage, sous-titrage, analyse, extraction et gravure, normalisation, etc.).

It selects based on the You’ve flipped the initial descriptions, though the graphic that follows it is right.