The two share a last laugh before Simon leaves.

However, Yoko turns it off, and they are shown smiling at each other before she thanks him and shoots off to join Kamina's comment is derived from the '10倍返しの恋' ("Tenfold return of love") as told in At some point in their lives, Kamina, Simon, and a few others from the village were trapped in an unfinished tunnel due to a cave-in. Later, Buddy is the 8th episode of the Gurren Lagann anime. Being a huge reliance to Simon, Kamina also strongly relies on the boy and believes him to be the "method to his madness."

Kamina (カミナ Kamina) was a young man from Jeeha Village, the founder and first leader of Team Gurren and deuteragonist of the first arc of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. This breaks the Alternate Space Labyrinth, allowing Simon to reassemble Team Dai-Gurren and face the Anti-Spirals for the final time. I smiled and laughed many times throughout, but also cried. When offered to pilot Lagann, Kamina refuses on the grounds that he would never take his little brother's belongings. Gurren Lagann does something that I’ve never seen accomplished as well as it does: it succeeds in being lighthearted and fun, and also serious and emotional. Upon seeing a box identical to the one he first found Nia inside, Simon reaches for his Core Drill to open it and finds it missing. Kamina is tall and well built, and prides himself on being "manly and tough." Il est le fondateur de la Brigade Gurren puis plus tard de la Super Brigade Gurren. At first glance, Kamina is boisterous, hotheaded and arrogant.

Deducing that this could allow them to take control of the Dai-Gunzan, the group formulates a plan to take ther Dai-Gunzan the next day. She thanks him as they both look out and she returns to Simon and Gurren Lagann. Kamina appears before Simon in the Anti-Spiral dreamworldLater, Simon, under the influence of the Anti-Spirals, witnesses visions of a false childhood where Kamina has Simon drill into banks and jewelry shops to rob them. Als es ihnen gelingt, an die Oberfläche zu gelangen, verbinden sie Lagann mit Gurren, einem…Kamina wird nach einer missglückten Flucht inhaftiert. He even personally admits that his bravado and fearlessness is mostly a device he uses to hide his own worries and to support others, and that he thinks people like Simon are the real heroes.

He also determined to always have Simon's back, encouraging the younger boy's skills no matter what. Gurren; Gurren Lagann; Kamina ... Kamina died in episode 8 and reappeared in episode 26, although in completely different character. Kamina's name comes from Kami meaning 'above' in Japanese. Der Junge Simon hat, mit seinem Seelenbruder Kamina, bei Bohrungen einen kleinen Roboter gefunden, den sie Lagann nennen. He has stated that his drive in the war against the Kamina always considered Simon as his 'partner,' both in crime (in their antics in Jeeha Village) and in battle, which at the beginning basically meant Kamina dragging Simon into dangerous situations.

Kamina (カミナ Kamina) est un jeune homme de 17 ans du village souterrain de Jeeha qui rêve de quitter le monde souterrain et aller à la surface, qu'il a vu une fois étant enfant. 100% Kostenlos Online 3000+ Serien On sait peu de chose sur l'enfance de Kamina. When Yoko kisses him in a confession in episode 8, he accepts her in an embrace and the two kiss again. Simon is reminded of what he is fighting for, for the sake of Nia and for the fate of the Spiral Universe. Quand il était encore enfant, son père l'a amené une fois à la surface. It first aired on May 20th 2007. He has short, blue, spiky hair and is frequently seen wearing his trademark red sunglasses that cover his red eyes. Kami could also be read as God, a reference to his unending self-confidence and ability to influence others to pursue greatness. And characters were not immune from dying. He is shown groveling at the feet of some Beastmen holding them at gunpoint, begging for his life and urging Simon to do the same. Kamina also makes a brief appearance to Yoko when she shuts off the TV that would be her future in the illusion.

Watching Simon, Kamina vowed that he would emulate his "bro"'s determination by never giving up and never showing fear, no matter how scared he was on the inside. He is also devoted to defending and supporting his friends and loved ones, fighting with all his strength to protect them. Simon, under the influence of the Anti-Spirals, witnesses visions of a false childhood where Kamina eggs Simon on to drill into banks and jewelry shops to steal valuables for him.

With his hot-blooded attitude, he takes on everything and anything. File:Kamina.ogg Kamina is one of the main characters of the anime series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. In turn, he is very charismatic in the heat of battle, able to inspire even the timid Simon to accomplish great feats and almost single-handedly set the foundations for Despite his often brazen and practically insane actions, Kamina is fairly insightful, as his bombast and seemingly blind confidence usually mask his true intelligence in planning and combat. Before he leaves however, Simon shares one last moment to talk to Kamina, who is surprised to see that Simon has grown taller than him.