It needs to be done a second time in the other place (about 10 lines above the one that was fixed). const TriangleType = {

This jsdoc typedef mirrors the WindowOptions TypeScript interface in @types/openfin. An early example using a Javadoc-like syntax to document JavaScript was released in 1999 with the Netscape/Mozilla project Rhino, a JavaScript run-time system written in Java.It included a toy "JSDoc" HTML generator, versioned up to 1.3, as an example of its JavaScript capabilities. * Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description : icm.model.CaseEditable(properties) Constructs a CaseEditable object. Alas, documentation is still scarce, but this post can help – it shows you how to run JSDoc and how its syntax works. This is the options object required by the Window constructor. For example: Given the following code.
How do you document your JavaScript? It works fine when using Rhino's console directly, but through JSDoc it causes the following error, which references jsdoc generated code: {{ parent.articleDate | date:'MMM. scalene: 'scalene' And because the documentation is in comments, it is less likely to become outdated as your code evolves.This is a short how-to on installing, configuring, and using JSDoc.JSDoc is available as an npm package. Once the type is defined in source, you can use it as a type for JSDoc tags like @param or @returns that make use of a type.. Syntax: /** * @typedef {Object} Person * @property {number} age Length of time the person has lived * @property {string} name The word by … This is needed in order to have the value of theName accessible after the Octopus constructor is executed.Parameter properties let you create and initialize a member in one place. Once you are comfortable, you should head over to A function does not need a particular tag. Note that name is the only required property — albeit the url property is usually provided as well (defaults to "about:blank" when omitted). equilateral: 'equilateral', I use JSDoc. * Returns the area of a triangle calculated using Heron's formula. It's a tool which goes through your source code, looks at comments, and generates a set of HTML files. Parameter properties.

Enums are documented using the @enum tag. (The JSDoc wiki [2] is the main source of this post, some examples are borrowed from it.) Therefore, instance members include instance properties and … Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own. And here’s a class constructor with a method: ... We can see its a property and should be a number. isosceles: 'isosceles', * Returns the area of a triangle calculated using Heron's formula. JSDocリファレンスの@class(@constructor)【クラス (new 呼び出し関数)】・@classdesc【クラスの説明】・@augments(@extends)【継承】タグについてのメモ。
jsdoc fails on Object.create with constructor property

You need to know at least its syntax (which is also used by many other tools) if you publish code. You can document individual values with JSDoc and it will appear in the JSDoc table as description. Suggestion. Free Resource Obtains the PropertyEditable from the propertiesCollection property with the given provider and symbolic name.

JSDoc has a broad definition of instance member. Note that this is how JSDoc can be used to document propTypes in React components. * / While this gets the job done, it seems far from ideal. This is what a simple JSDoc comment looks likeThis blog post focuses on just a few tags, enough to get you a taste without overwhelming you. Check out the jsdoc-sample repository and run jsdoc on it. JSDoc是一个根据javascript文件中注释信息,生成JavaScript应用程序或库、模块的API文档 的工具。你可以使用它记录如:命名空间,类,方法,方法参数等。 JSDoc类似JavaDoc和PHPDoc。 The string needs to conform to the Content Platform Engine SQL syntax. JSDoc class properties any key @property. JSDoc conflates shared properties and per-instance properties and calls them instance properties.

It means everything that can be accessed via an instance. For example, Object.create is a class property of Object . You will love having detailed API docs for your JavaScript, and so will anyone else who has to use your code.Lovingly hand-crafted with organic React, ethically sourced Less, artisanal Markdown, free range Babel, and small batch Gulp./** Output: Before: After: To document objects that will be used more than once in source: @typedef is useful in this situation.

by using hasOwnProperty).Confirming the exact same issue with "constructor: {value: Const}" in my own project.Comment out the constructor line and no error, leave it in and this is what is output.A partial fix was applied to parser.js (in astnodeToMemberof) to check for hasOwnProperty on doclet.meta.vars, but it was only done in one of the two places.

by using hasOwnProperty).Confirming the exact same issue with "constructor: {value: Const}" in my own project.Comment out the constructor line and no error, leave it in and this is what is output.A partial fix was applied to parser.js (in astnodeToMemberof) to check for hasOwnProperty on doclet.meta.vars, but it was only done in one of the two places.

In this post, I’ll explore how to use TypeScript to generate documentation from source code alone. The block can contain text, and various tags which are used to convey information like return types, parameters, namespaces etc.