Coronavirus response: additional EMFF support available to Bulgarian fisheries and aquaculture sectors Following the unprecedented outbreak of the coronavirus, the European Commission has taken rapid action to protect the fisheries and aquaculture sectors from severe shocks by introducing specific measures, including amendments to the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). The Commission has also acted with a view to fostering greater market stability, mitigating the risk of having high-value seafood products wasted or redirected to non-human food purposes, and helping to absorb the impact of the crisis on the return on products.Provided that the Commission proposal is adopted by the Council and the European Parliament without amendments, expenditure for operations supported under the specific coronavirus-related measures will be retroactively eligible as of 1 February 2020 until 31 December 2020. En partageant mes connaissances sur ce lieu unique, vous trouverez un ouvrage très complet que de …

The package includes support for the temporary cessation of fishing activities due to coronavirus, support to aquaculture farmers for the suspension of production and additional costs, and support to producer organisations for the storage of fishery and aquaculture products.

LAC DU SALAGOU, Destination mythique de la pêche à la carpe est un ouvrage déstiné aux passionnés, amoureux du lac du Diable & sa nature. Today, the Commission adopted a proposal for fishing opportunities for 2021 in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas.Following the unprecedented outbreak of the coronavirus, the European Commission has taken rapid action to protect the fisheries and aquaculture sectors from severe shocks by introducing specific measures, including amendments to the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). The package includes support for the temporary cessation of fishing activities due to coronavirus, support to aquaculture farmers for the suspension of production and additional costs, and support to producer organisations for the storage of fishery and aquaculture products.

Deadline for applications: 09/09/2020 - 12:00 (Brussels time) Heureusement, 15min avant la fin, après plus de 5h de capot, et 15min avant la fin, j'arrive à … Critics say unrestricted fishing threatens vulnerable species and can interfere with other marine sectors. But there is a catch. Une sortie difficile cet automne sur le lac du Salagou. " C'est probablement, un des postes, qui donne au Salagou, cette Dimension émotionnelle si particulière Pour les passionnés et pour ceux qui ont déjà expérimenté cette pointe, Passer quelques jours ici, en cas de tramontane, c'est aussi découvrir, le côté obscur du lac, quand il se transforme. How can they find common ground? Therefore, Member States can already start selecting and supporting these operations. Covid-19/ SARS-CoV-2: A finales de diciembre de 2019 se notificaron los primeros casos de un nuevo coronavirus en la ciudad de Wuhan (China).

Desde entonces el aumento de nuevos infectados por el virus SARS-CoV-2 (inicialmente llamado 2019nCoV), que provoca la enfermedad denominada Covid-19, ha sido continuo y su transmisión de persona a persona se ha acelerado. Supporting the EU fisheries and aquaculture sectors in tackling the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission has proposed a new set of ambitious measures under the European Maritime & Fisheries Fund (EMFF). It’s a popular hobby, bringing billions of euros to Europe’s coastal economies. Une véritable BIBLE. With many Covid-19 restrictions lifted, millions of Europe’s anglers can finally go fishing again. Pas de vent, pas de brochet! The supported operations must comply with the eligibility conditions established in the regulation. Additional amendments to the EMFF Regulation allow for more flexible reallocation of financial resources within the operational programmes of each Member State and a simplified procedure for amending operational programmes with respect to the introduction of the new measures.Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, said: “With fishers forced to stay in port and fish farmers facing the prospect of having to dispose of unused products, these temporary and targeted measures will serve to provide immediate aid during this difficult situation.