The absence of a relation between the type of the cutaneous lesions and the histological type of the underlying tumor is emphasized. In the majority of cases, it is considered to be the result of epidermal spread from a contiguous mammary duct carcinoma.

Cancer. Paget disease is often associated with extensive underlying malignancy, which is difficult to assess accurately either clinically or mammographically. To date, no proof exists of the value of hormone receptors assays and routine adjuvant hormone therapy is not practiced.Six cases of Paget's disease of the nipple without clinical or mammographic evidence of a breast mass are described, two without underlying carcinoma of duct origin, and four with very limited duct carcinoma in situ of the most distal lactiferous ducts. Methods: Retrospective review of clinical, mammographic and pathologic data from 38 women with mammary Paget's disease treated between 1979 and 1995 was performed. Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies on these cases demonstrate that Paget cells arise in situ and invalidate the prevalent “epidermotropic” theory of histogenesis. 61 women with histological Paget's disease of the nipple, treated by mastectomy, were retrospectively analyzed with clinical, radiological and pathological correlations. Mammography fails to identify the underlying disease in many patients with no palpable mass and multifocal underlying disease (64%). Vous pouvez également à tout moment revoir vos options en matière de ciblage. The indications for breast conservation surgery can be safely extended to include patients with breast cancers that involve the NAC.

Despite the fact that only one third of women presented with a palpable mass, the malignancy was frequently extensive, being confined to the retroareolar region in only 25% of cases. Twenty-four (69%) patients had Paget's disease without a palpable mass in the breast; eleven (31%) presented with a palpable mass and Paget's disease of the nipple. 1874;10:87-93.Cata-liotti L. Breast-conserving therapy for Paget disease of the nip-pleBijker N, Rutgers EJ, Duchateau L, Peterse JL, Julien JP, Cata-liotti L. Breast-conserving therapy for Paget disease of the nip-ple. An underlying carcinoma was found in 60 cases (98.4%), atypical epithelial hyperplasia in one. Paget's disease of the nipple is considered to be an independent in situ carcinoma and part of the general phenomenon of multicentricity in breast cancer. These results also suggest that the c-erbB-2 oncoprotein may function in vivo to promote intraepithelial spread of adenocarcinoma cells.BACKGROUND Diagnostic All rights reserved.Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections from 45 patients with mammary and extramammary Paget's disease were stained immunohistochemically with the use of a polyclonal antiserum directed against a 14-amino acid segment of the cerbB-2 oncoprotein.

A therapeutic option of conservative surgical intervention and follow-up is described for five of these select patients, all of whom are presently without evidence of disease with an average follow-up of 50 months (range, 30-69 months).Mammary Paget's disease has been said to result from epidermal spread by contiguity of primary intraductal carcinoma. However this may occasionally be delayed due to a reluctance to proceed to traditional diagnostic techniques of wedge biopsy, surgical excision or punch biopsy. St. Bartholomew Hospital ReportsPaget J. Average tumor size was 1.6 cm (range, 0.2-3.5 cm).

Clinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical data suggest a mammary origin of the abnormal cells in Paget's disease of the nipple. Philadelphia: Lippincott-RaveDuda RB. Paget´s disease of the nipple-areola complex: a plea for conservatism. Quels sont les symptômes et quel spécialiste consulter en cas de doute ? Multifocal tumours were present in four breasts but no lymphadenopathy or contralateral tumours were seen.

One superficially invasive case was positive for c-erbB-2 expression. Patients without a visible tumour may be suitable for radiotherapy.To correlate the range of clinical presentations with mammographic and histologic findings in patients with Paget disease of the nipple.

La maladie de Paget du mamelon ne doit pas être confondue avec une autre pathologie appelée simplement "maladie de Paget" et qui correspond à une atteinte osseuse avec augmentation de taille et déformation de certains os.La maladie de Paget peut avoir d'autres localisations, à l'aine ou au niveau de la vulve (maladie de Paget vulvaire). The epidermotropic theory holds that Paget's cells are ductal carcinoma cells that have migrated from the underlying breast parenchyma to the nipple epidermis. Vous pouvez également à tout moment revoir vos options en matière de ciblage.

Nipple-areolar complex resection for central subareolar cancers that directly involve the NAC, as well as for Paget disease of the nipple, extends the indications for breast conservation in other areas of the breast, and with acceptable cosmesis.Sanfujinka no jissai. The 5-year local recurrence rate was 5.2% (95% confidence interval, 1.8–14.1%).CONCLUSIONS : On utilise également l'acide zolédronique et le pamidronate pour traiter la maladie de Paget. 2000;29:655-61.Paget´s disease of the skin: a unifying concept of histo-genesisNadji M, Morales AR, Girtanner RE, Ziegels-Weissman J, Penéis NS. At histologic examination, the majority (93%%) of patients had an underlying ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS); in the remaining 7%, only Paget disease was found. Of the patients with ductal in situ carcinoma, 96.5% had high-grade carcinomas and 100% had invasive carcinomas of high cytonuclear grade. p53 was overexpressed in 42.9% of the cases, and only 28.6% were positive for ER and PR. Good or excellent cosmetic results can be achieved. "Les informations recueillies sont destinées à CCM Benchmark Group pour vous assurer l'envoi de votre newsletter.Elles seront également utilisées sous réserve des options souscrites, à des fins de ciblage publicitaire.

The clinical, pathologic, and mammographic records of 58 patients who had biopsy-proved Paget disease of the nipple were retrospectively reviewed. In five of these cases an underlying ductal carcinoma of the breast was simultaneously diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of a palpable breast lump. A multifocal manifes-tation of higher-risk disease.